The City College of New York - CCNY - is the United State's flagship institution of public higher education, predating the Midwestern state land-grant colleges by two decades. Founded in 1847 by Townsend Harris to provide children of the poor and new immigrants the higher education that could give them access to the American dream, for more than 150 years CCNY has been a primary avenue of advancement for generations of New Yorkers who might not have had the chance to attend college. Born of a public referendum, City College was one of the great experiments of American democracy, and it remains one of this nation's great achievements.
The achievements of the College's graduates are .... Eight CCNY alumni have won the Nobel Prize, placing City among the top ranks of public colleges and universities nationwide. According to Standard & Poors, City is ranked 11th in the United States in the number of graduates who have become America's leading business executives. The list of CCNY alumni -- from Jonas Salk to Colin Powell, from Mario Runco to Walter Mosley, from Faith Reingold to Ernesto Quinonez - who have gone on to influence out nation in fundamental ways is dazzling.
Today's CCNY is a microcosm of New York City, with one of the most diverse student bodies of any college in America. Over half of our students were born abroad, representing some 90 countries. And these students and recent graduates are carrying on the tradition of excellence by winning prestigious awards and fellowships, gaining acceptance to leading graduate and professional schools and making their marks in the sciences, in the arts, in public service, in industry, in education.
With nearly 11,000 students, City College is really a small university, with a College of Liberal Arts and Science and professional schools of architecture, education, engineering and the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education. In fact, the College offers more than 40 of its own graduate degree programs and is the site of ten of the City University of New York's doctoral programs. Undergraduates have opportunities here that few other public colleges offer for research and direct contact with the same internationally-renown faculty who supervise doctoral students. Innovative programs in environmental engineering and science, graphic design, media arts production, publishing, urban legal studies, urban architecture and pre-med, join more traditional programs in science and engineering, the arts and humanities and the social sciences have to offer you .....
The City College of New York offers academic excellence, an outstanding faculty, low tuition and a wide range of extracurricular activities - including nearly 100 student organizations - on a beautiful 36 acre campus in the heart of one of the greatest cities in the world.