Cafe Wha

115 MacDougal Street

Cafe Wha Details

Cafe Wha? is one of the better place in New York to hear live music. Featuring the most exciting array of musicians and singers available anywhere, the Wha? has people dancing in the aisles 7 nights a week. The Cafe also feature a menu with food and an exotic array of drinks.

Cae Wha? has a long history. Originally located on the corner of MacDougal and Minetta Streets in Greenwich Village, the original Café Wha? was a "beat/rock" club of the 1960's at which one could find "soul" food for mind, ear, and body. In addition to a house band that played covers of contemporary popular songs, CafeWha? was famous for both its regular customers - Allen Ginsberg, Abbie Hoffman, and Bob Dylan among them, and its musical and comedy performers. Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Springsteen, Kool and the Gang, Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor, and many others all began their careers at the Wha? Even the staff had its notables - Mary Travers was a waitress at the Wha? until she joined up with Peter Yarrow and Noel Stookey to form Peter, Paul and Mary.

Cafe Wha
115 MacDougal Street
New York, NY 10012+1202
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