Steamboat Bill, Jr.
Bill Jr. is returning home to his steamboat captain father (played with scene stealing perfection by craggy Ernest Torrence) after spending his entire youth far away from the riverboat world with his mother. Dad is hoping for a big strapping lad to help him out on his dilapidated boat but a delicate soul turns up with an absurd ukulele tucked under his arm and even more absurd hat on his head. Needless to say, things go downhill from there. Worse, Keaton has fallen for the daughter of his father's arch rival in the steamboat business. Keaton's face remains serenely impeccable throughout the escalating maelstrom of comedy climaxing in the most extraordinary sight gag in history-the falling wall of a house (with a small window strategically placed), literally weighing tons, missing our hero with inches to spare on either side. It's only one in a seemingly endless series of thrilling sight gags and stunts. Still in a class of its own giddy and heart-stopping perfection, there is no better place to experience it than sitting in an historic theatre, watching the master himself up on the big screen.
GENRE: Comedy
No Rating
RUN TIME: 1h 11m
RELEASE DATE: December 31, 1969
STARRING: Buster Keaton, Tom McGuire, Ernest Torrence, Marion Byron, Tom Lewis (V)
DIRECTOR(S): Charles Reisner
WRITER(S): Carl Harbaugh