Sushi Samba 7

87 7th Ave S

Sushi Samba 7 Details

Sushi Samba is a Miami import that somehow has the feel of one of those "only in New York" restaurants. Where else would you find a restaurant that offers a unique blend of Japanese, Brazilian and Peruvian cuisine, music and design?

Well, actually it's not as strange as it sounds and the restaurant has roots in a tri-cultural coalition that took root in the early 20th century. Thousands of Japanese emigrants traveled to South America's fertile soil to cultivate coffee plantations and find their fortune. In bustling cities like Callao and Lima in Peru, and São Paulo in Brazil, the integration of Japanese, Brazilian and Peruvian cultures flourished.

This cultural phenomenon launched a culinary coup. Hearty moquecas and colorful seviches found a place at the table along side simple miso soup and tender sashimi. SUSHISAMBA serves these traditional dishes, plus more inventive fare, including Sashimi Seviche, Sushi Salada, and our South American Beef Maki Roll.

From the Carnaval-inspired colors to the samba beat to the centerpiece sushi and seviche bar, the soul of SUSHISAMBA has roots in this unique history.

Sushi Samba 7
87 7th Ave S
New York, NY 10014+3415
Editorial Rating
This Week's Hours
Mon-Wed: 11:45am-1:00am
Thu-Sat: 11:45am-2:00am
Sunday: 11:30am-12:00am

Sunday: 11:30am-3:30pm

Sushi Samba 7 Map


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